Minggu, 02 September 2012


Serious Cases of Dandruff Can Cause Hair Loss

Itchy, flaky scalp conditions are usually a natural, universal process. But some conditions are more than simple dandruff.

Everyone knows what dandruff is and everybody has had dandruff to one extent or another. It typically involves an itchy scalp, white flakes -- and social embarrassment to many. But while most dandruff can simply be treated by diet and with the use of anti-dandruff shampoo, other symptoms that look like dandruff may reveal something more serious; skin and scalp conditions that require a more intensive approach to treatment.

Other dandruff-like conditions include eczema, inflamed follicles, contact dermatitis, psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is considered more of a skin condition and less of a hair loss condition, but serious cases can lead to hair loss.

Simple dandruff is a natural and necessary part of being human. All old skin sloughs off, everywhere on the body, in order to allow new skin to emerge from below. It's a vital renewal process. In most cases, simple and regular shampooing removes dandruff. The methods by which you shampoo your hair can also reduce the presence of simple dandruff on your scalp, in your hair and on your shoulders.

With more serious conditions, a medical approach may be necessary. A dermatologist should be consulted for more advanced conditions like Eczema, fungal infections and Folliculitis (inflamed follicles).

Whether it is simple dandruff or something more problematic, read this section to explore the full extent to which an itchy, scaly condition might affect your appearance -- and how you can stop it.

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